Data Com Dividends: Eleven Companies Paying R$2.1 Billion Weekly for Shareholders’ Delight - Mz Pixel

Data Com Dividends: Eleven Companies Paying R$2.1 Billion Weekly for Shareholders’ Delight


Do you want to receive dividends? Well, you’re in luck because Itaú, Auren, and nine other companies have just announced their ‘data com’ program, which is set to distribute a total of R$2.1 billion in dividends and interest on equity (JCP). Exciting, right?

This program, implemented by eleven renowned companies, is scheduled to take place during the first week of December, specifically between the calendar days 4 and 8. So mark your calendars because this is a golden opportunity for shareholders to earn some extra cash. According to reliable sources, these companies will be paying out this handsome sum of R$2.1 billion on their designated dates.

Let’s delve deeper into the specifics of this enticing offer. Two of the participating companies, Cambuci and Cury, have revealed that they will be distributing a whopping R$3.39 million in JCP and R$100 million in dividends, respectively. And guess what? The payment for these dividends and interest on equity will commence on the second day of the week, giving shareholders something to look forward to early on.


Speaking of the second day, it holds even more significance in the realm of finances. On this day, BTG Pactual will initiate the process of paying the collected taxes, which is a crucial step in ensuring the smooth execution of this program. The shareholders of BTG Pactual, alongside those of Cambuci and Cury, are undoubtedly overjoyed to witness their investments bearing fruitful results.

Now let’s shift our attention to the present day. As we speak, shareholders of Totvs, PetroReconcavo, and Direcional are basking in the knowledge that they will be receiving substantial revenue. Totvs, a well-established company, is expected to generate a staggering revenue of R$126.79 million. PetroReconcavo, an industry heavyweight in the energy sector, will reward its shareholders with an impressive R$160 million. Meanwhile, Direcional, a player in the real estate market, will contribute R$81.16 million to the collective pool of earnings. It’s safe to say that these shareholders can expect a generous return on their investments.


And that’s not all! This week, several other noteworthy companies have joined the ‘data com’ program. JSL, Itaú, Ferbasa, Empresa Metropolitana de Águas e Energia, and Auren have all been granted the ability to transmit valuable data. This exciting development opens up new avenues for growth and profitability. The inclusion of these companies showcases the program’s allure and the potential it holds for shareholders.

In conclusion, the ‘data com’ program organized by eleven prominent companies is bound to have a significant impact on shareholders’ wallets. With a total distribution of R$2.1 billion in dividends and interest on equity (JCP), this program presents an incredible opportunity for investors to reap the rewards of their investments. The participation of companies such as Cambuci, Cury, Totvs, PetroReconcavo, Direcional, JSL, Itaú, Ferbasa, Empresa Metropolitana de Águas e Energia, and Auren only heightens the appeal of this program. So whether you’re a seasoned investor or a budding shareholder, make sure to seize this chance to secure some well-deserved dividends.

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